Sundays at Sardis:
9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary

Youth Parent Program: A Conversation About Mental Health & Substance Use

Youth Parent & Grandparent Programming: Sunday, March 2 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 210 – Parents and grandparents of middle and high school youth are invited to join us for dinner and a conversation about mental health and substance use with two clinicians from Southeast Psych – Dr. David Mosley, Psy.D., and Dr. Amy Siegel, Psy.D. What is the brain chemistry behind substance use/addiction? Why do young people use substances? What are best practices for opening this conversation with young people? How can we support someone who is in recovery? Please register before February 26.


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