You are invited to worship with us this Sunday at 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall and 11:00 in the Sanctuary. The worship service will also be available on Facebook & YouTube. Sunday School for all ages is at 10:00 a.m.

Kenya Church Partnership

Sardis and Macedonia Presbyterian Church, Baraka Parish

Friends Empowering Haiti

The Clinic
Center de Sante Bethesda de Bayonnais employees a doctor, nurses, a lab technician, and support staff. The Clinic also provides mobile clinics, with the staff walking two hours or more, to see patients in remote mountainous areas. The Clinic serves as one of few in the Bayonnais River Valley region of 80,000 people. In these trying times, the Clinic is proving more essential than ever.

The clinic also provides much needed prenatal care services including routine check-ups at a reduced rate, the ability to listen to fetal heart tones via Doppler, basic lab work, education and food packs. The clinic also provides a kit for a more sanitary birth as supplies allow. The kit includes a bar of soap, clean razor blade, gloves, a plastic barrier, umbilical cord ties and a prayer for the new Manman (Mother).

Support of Nurses
The nurses in the clinic help provide much needed care. The nurses have cared for patients during through the Cholera outbreak in 2010, the COVID outbreak in 2020, and everything in between. We help support the salary of the nurses.

OFCB School
By supporting the school in Bayonnais, Haiti, we help make education more accessible to the children of Bayonnais. The highly successful school has 2,000 preschool through high school students, 60 teachers and additional support staff. The school provides the students one meal each school day and for some of the students it is their only meal. While the parents pay tuition as they can, many cannot and there is a continuous need for funds to keep the school operating. If you would like to learn more about sponsoring a student, please visit the EWO Haiti website.

Sardis Mission Co-Workers

Sardis supports PCUSA mission co-workers around the world. Read or subscribe to updates from PCUSA mission coworkers here.
Congo — Dr. Larry and Inge Sthreshley
Haiti — Cindy Corell
Israel-Palestine Doug Dicks
Niger & South Sudan — Jim and Jodi McGill