I’m the Director of Operations, and I’ve been at Sardis since December 4. I’ve been serving churches of all sizes for the past 20 years, as I feel my calling is to serve God through operations. This includes the areas f finance, administration, facilities, and human resources. I grew up in Virginia, and received my BA from George Mason University and a Master of Public Administration from James Madison University. From there, my career in public service began in Kansas, where I was a Budget Analyst for the Governor’s office; then to the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. where I was a Budget Analyst and Grant Auditor, then finally to the Federal Reserve, where I worked for many years in budgeting, project management, and HR. I spend my free time enjoying life with my husband and children (as a blended family, we have four children), and I also loves reading, home improvement projects, the arts, and travel.