Sundays at Sardis:
9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary

There is a place for you at Sardis! Our small group ministry offers different ways to connect in fellowship, study, and serving.

Mustard Seed Groups

Mustard Seed Groups are part of Sardis’ small group ministry. People meet for fellowship, Bible study, service projects, and prayer. The groups are led by a trained leader. Each group chooses the topic of its study and the nature of its service or outreach projects. If you’d like more information on joining a Mustard Seed Group, contact Rev. Dr. Allysen Schaaf.

Dinner Groups

Dinner groups are small groups of 6-8 who gather together for dinner once a month from October-May. Some groups meet in homes, others meet in restaurants and some do a combo based on their preferences. It is a great way to get to know others and build community with others. Please sign up by September 22, 2024 and we will notify you of your group and group leader by the beginning of October. All are welcome to join a dinner group. See church emails to sign up for one this Fall. For more information contact Allysen Schaaf.

SPARK (Sardis Parents All Raising Kids) & Friends

New! SPARK (Sardis Parents All Raising Kids) & Friends is an expanded gathering that meets at 10:00 a.m. in Room 203 on Sunday mornings for all young adults, young-ish adults who do not have kids, and for parents with younger children who are 0yrs-5th grade. SPARK & Friends intends to be a welcoming space for a range of ages and life stages who will join in fellowship, bible study, and prayer together. This Fall, Joe B and Allysen will take turns, along with members of the group, exploring the book of Genesis and the Gospels. All are welcome! Invite a friend! More information contact Greg and Katie Volk.

Young Adults

Gatherings for those in their 20s and 30s. Our activities range from fellowship over meals, trivia or bowling nights and more. We will meet at various times and places throughout the year. Right now the group meets one Tuesday night a month. Questions or want to get on our communication list? Contact Elizabeth Wright.

Gen XYZ Gatherings

Fellowship gatherings that bring together those in generations X, Y, and Z in order to build relationships across the generations and make deeper connections in the church community. Meeting Time: Generation X, Y, & Z gatherings happen at various times and locations throughout the year. Some offer childcare and others invite the whole family to attend. For more information or if you would like to help plan or host a Gen X, Y, Z event, contact Allysen Schaaf.

Women’s Circles

Circles are designed for women to join together in Bible study, fellowship, and service. They encourage one another in shared experience as woman of faith.

Tuesday Morning Circle at Matthews Glen: Circle 3 meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Magnolia Chapel at Matthews Glen. We look forward to welcoming new members and visitors to our monthly meetings.  For more information on Circle 3, please contact Patsy Todd.

Tuesday Morning Circle at Sardis: Circle 8 meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Sardis Dining Room. We hope you will join us! Contact Judy Schneider and Jeanne

Tuesday Afternoon Circle at Sardis: Women of all ages are invited to attend Circle 4 meetings the first Tuesday of each month at 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. in the Sardis Dining Room.  Meetings consist of a welcoming fellowship time, the sharing of joys and times of need, and mission projects. TFor more information, please contact Alma Jo Langston.

Other Opportunities to Grow in Faith & Build Community

  • Prayer Shawl Group: Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Parlor
    This group meets to crochet or knit shawls that are prayed over and offered to people who are sick or in sorrow. All crocheters and knitters are welcome! Members are provided a booklet with patterns, help with stitches, choosing yarns, etc. Questions? Contact Judy Schneider.
  • Quiddlers: Meets Tuesdays each week at 11:30 a.m. in Room 102
    Bring a lunch and come play this fun card word game. Don’t know how to play? Come learn and make new friends. Questions? Contact Susan Hudson.
  • Sardis Book Club: Meets 2nd Wednesdays of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Dining Room
    Each member has the opportunity to nominate a book. We will read nine books through the year with the person who has nominated the book we are reading acting as the leader for its review. Questions? Contact Jeanne Hammons.