Become a part of this Christian community, learn what the call to be a Christian means in your life, explore your faith, and discover how to live as a disciple of Jesus the Christ. Our goal is to help you grow and mature as a follower of Jesus the Christ as we offer a variety of classes, groups, and opportunities for faith formation.
Mid-Week Bible Studies
- Exploring The Bible: Meets Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Room 210 and on Zoom
This lecture/discussion class is led by Renda Brinson. The class will be studying the second half of the Book of Romans. Romans is Paul’s most doctrinal book and helps us understand our basic Christian beliefs. Each week the class has guiding questions and reading. All are welcome to join! To register (and get the Zoom link) or for any questions, contact Renda Brinson. - The Apostles’ Creed: Meets Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. & Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in Room 210 and on Zoom January 8/9 – February 26/27. The same class will be taught on Wednesday & Thursday. The Rev. Dr. Joe B. Martin will be leading us through an exploration of the origins and the meaning of The Apostles’ Creed. What do you believe? What other creeds might there be and why do we have them in the first place? Questions or need the Zoom link? Contact Joe B.
- Lenten Earth Care Book Study: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. & Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in Room 210 and on Zoom March 12/13- April 10/11. We will be reading Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katherine Hayhoe. We’ll examine Earth Care through the lens of our faith, in a multifaceted look at science, faith, and human psychology. Copies of the book will be available. Synopsis of each chapter of the book will be provided in advance of each session. An exciting lineup of guest moderators who are experienced in the Earth Care Arena will lead each session. All are welcome to join! Contact Shannon Klug with questions or for the Zoom link.
- The Lord’s Prayer: Meets Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. & Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in Room 210 and on Zoom April 23/24 – May 21/22. Debtors or Trespassers? With Rev. Dr. Joe B. Martin, we will dive into the different lines of The Lord’s Prayer and flesh them out with other scriptural connections. We will compare the different versions of the prayer in the Bible, other first century writings, and various modern English translations. Questions or need the Zoom link? Contact Joe B.
Sunday School Classes
- Salty Fish Fellowship: Meets in Room 210 & Zoom
We are a community connected by our mutual sharing, support, fellowship, learning, and service. On Sunday mornings, both in person and on Zoom, we use an open discussion format of resources selected by the leaders and shared with all. We will begin the fall with the book “Called: Hearing and Responding to God’s Voice” by Susan Robb. Current leaders are Anne and Ed Shoaf, George Galleher, Tom Bowling, and Clyde Preslar. All are welcome to join! Questions or zoom information, contact Ed Shoaf. - Crossroads: Meets in Room 211
Crossroads is a lecture style Bible study class that focuses on the Books of the Bible. Led by Jan Rosser, Chuck Bohlen, and Dave Archer this class will focus on the Old Testament book of Jeremiah. For more information contact Jan Rosser. - Discussing Bible Books & Topics: Meets in Room 108
This class utilizes video-based curriculum with team teaching to explore faith and Scripture. This class is open to all ages. This fall we will be exploring the following topics: Making Sense of the Christian Faith; Unusual Healings; What’s so Amazing Grace? For more information, contact Norm Schul. - Java: Meets in Room 216
JAVA is a discussion class that focuses on a variety of topics from contemporary issues to biblical studies. A number of class members teach the class and studies may be centered around books, articles, and scripture. It is a place for parents of tweens, teens, and young adults to connect with friends for fellowship and faith formation. Contact Lin Leslie for more information. - SPARK & Friends: Meets in Room 203
SPARK & Friends is an expanded gathering on Sunday mornings for all young adults, young-ish adults who do not have kids, and parents with younger children (0yrs-5th grade). SPARK & Friends intends to be a welcoming space for a range of ages and life stages who will join in fellowship, Bible study, and prayer together. This fall, Rev. Joe B. and Rev. Allysen will take turns along with members of the group, exploring the book of Genesis and the Gospels. All are welcome! Invite a friend. Questions? Contact Greg and Katie Volk. - Reading for Reformed Reflection: Meets in Room 214
Led by moderators, Dale LeCount and John Todd, and teachers, Alma Jo Langston, Susan Harmon, and Mary Noble. This class will be faithfully reading about and discussing current topics. Contact Dale LeCount or John Todd for Zoom information. - Robert Pharr Men’s Class: Meets in Room 212
This class meets in Room 212. We practice shared leadership with all participants. All are welcome to join this class for Bible study. - The Gathering Place outside the Fellowship Hall is always open for coffee and conversation for all who would like to gather there. Or if you’d prefer to study on your own, check out our Adult Library!
Mustard Seed Groups – Small Group Ministry
Mustard Seed Groups are Sardis’ small group ministry. People meet for fellowship, Bible study, service projects, and prayer. The groups are led by a trained leader. Each group chooses the topic of its study and the nature of its service or outreach projects. If you’d like more information on joining a Mustard Seed Group, contact Rev. Dr. Allysen Schaaf or visit our Small Group Ministry page.

Women’s Circles
Circles are designed for women to join together in Bible study, fellowship, and service. They encourage one another in shared experiences as women of faith.
- Tuesday Morning Circle at Matthews Glen: Circle 3 will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Magnolia Chapel at Matthews Glen. We look forward to welcoming new members and visitors to our monthly meetings. For more information on Circle 3, please contact Patsy Todd.
- Tuesday Morning Circle at Sardis: Circle 8 will meet the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Sardis Dining Room beginning on September 13. We hope you will join us! Contact Judy Schneider for more information.
- Tuesday Afternoon Circle at Sardis: Women of all ages are invited to attend Circle 4 meetings the first Tuesday of each month at 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., in the Sardis Dining Room. Our meetings consist of a welcoming fellowship time, the sharing of joys and times of need, and mission projects. We hope you will plan to join these warm, spirited, Sardis friends! For more information, please contact Alma Jo Langston.
Young Adult Fellowship
Younger adults in their 20s and 30s meet monthly for fellowship and meals together. Our newly forming group is a mixture of ages and life stages. We have singles, some with significant others/married, some with kids and others who don’t. Friends are always welcome! If you are interested in joining this growing group, contact Rev. Dr. Allysen Schaaf.