Sundays at Sardis:
9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary

Biscuits, Blessings & Bluegrass

Join us for this special worship event on Sunday, August 25 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Back to school blessings for all ages of students, teachers, and school workers
  • Bluegrass and special music led by Sardis staff and lay leaders and guest musicians.
  • Impactful stories from all ages of the Sardis community engaged in its mission throughout the summer will be shared.
  • Biscuits and breakfast food will be provided.

ALL are welcome! Invite a friend!

Suggested contribution of $10/person for breakfast is encouraged to cover the food provided by local non-profit Dahlia Grove.

Childcare provided for children 5 years and younger in the nursery 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.