Join Us for Easter Sunday Celebration!
Experience the Joy of Resurrection
Friends and Neighbors, as spring blossoms around us, we warmly invite you to join our community for a meaningful Easter Sunday celebration on April 20th. This special day marks the cornerstone of our faith—the resurrection of Jesus Christ—and we would be honored to share this joyous occasion with you.
What to Expect
- Inspiring Worship Services – at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall & 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
- Special Music – Featuring our choir and guest musicians
- Message of Hope – “Created to Care for New Life”
- Children’s Program – Age-appropriate activities during the service & egg hunt to follow the 9:00 worship service
Everyone Is Welcome
Whether you’re a regular attendee, returning after some time away, or joining us for the first time, our doors and hearts are open to you. Come as you are—no special attire required, just bring yourself and an open heart.
Can’t Join In Person?
Join our livestream on Facebook or YouTube
“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” – Matthew 28:6
We look forward to celebrating this day of hope and new beginnings with you!