Sundays at Sardis:
9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary

Lenten Book Study

As the season of Spring emerges during Lent, Sardis plans to focus on earth care in many ways. One of these ways will be a church-wide book study. Please consider joining together as a congregation (and please invite your friends and neighbors!) to read and study Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katherine Hayhoe. Weekly during Lent, we invite all to come to one of two conversation gatherings, one held in the morning and one in the evening during the midweek Bible Study time slots: Wednesday evenings at 7pm or Thursday morning at 10am.

 There are 14 free copies of the book available for pick up in the church office. The book is also available at the public library as an audiobook, ebook, or in hardcover. New and used paperbacks sell on Amazon for under $17.00.

We look forward to gathering Sardis, friends, and neighbors to discuss this book!

Saving Us  –  Lenten Book Discussion Schedule

Problem and SolutionMarch 12 at 7pmMarch 13 at 10am
Why Facts MatterMarch 19 at 7pmMarch 20 at 10 am
The ThreatMarch 26 at 7pmMarch 27 at 10 am
We Can Fix ItApril 2nd at 7pmApril 3 at 10 am
We Can Make a Difference April 9 at 7pmApril 10 at 10 am

Quotes about the book:  “Called “one of the nation’s most effective communicators on climate change,” Katharine Hayhoe knows how to navigate all sides of the conversation on our changing planet. A Christian, Canadian climate scientist living in Texas, she negotiates distrust of data, indifference to imminent threats, and resistance to proposed solutions with ease. Over the past fifteen years Hayhoe has found that the most important thing we can do to address climate change is talk about it—and she wants to teach you how.Drawing on interdisciplinary research and personal stories, Hayhoe shows that small conversations can have astonishing results. Saving Us leaves us with the tools to open a dialogue with others about how we all can play a role in pushing forward for change.”


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