Sundays at Sardis:
9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary

In The Church


Lent Bell Ringers
Calling all families, friends, small groups, and individuals! Help us communicate to the Lord and community our excitement of His coming and the celebration of Easter by ringing the church bell each day during Lent. Click here to sign up for a date and time that works for you! Can’t make it in person to ring the bell? Let us know! We will ring the bell with you in spirit! Questions? Contact Paul Green.

Room In The Inn Volunteers
Sardis will be hosting Roof Above neighbors in the Sardis House for the Room In The Inn season (December-March). This ministry takes many hands to be a success! We need team leaders, greeters, “owls”, “roosters”, bus drivers, bed makers, and meal providers. Click here to learn more about each opportunity and sign up!


Nursery Volunteer 
Care for our youngest disciples in the nursery who are 5 years old and younger. Training and forms are required prior to serving which are linked in the sign up and is coordinated by Amanda Hooks.  Sign Up Here

Deliver Flowers from Worship to Homebound Members
Take flowers to homebound members or others needing extra love and care from the church.  Pick-up is around noon on Sundays in the sacristy (or 11am on summer Sundays) located in the Sanctuary near the Historical Room. Sue Chowning determines where the flowers will be delivered, and this will be communicated to you in a separate e-mail after you sign up. The time indicated on the signup form is approximate. Some recipients will take the flowers at the door and others would like for volunteers to sit and visit for a while. Each volunteer is usually responsible for 2 flower deliveries. Sign Up Here

Worship Lay Leader
Lead a spoken part of worship like the call to worship, prayer of thanksgiving after the offering or another part of the service. Instructions and liturgy will be provided for you, or resources will be provided for you to write your own prayer if you choose. Sign Up Here

Sunday Morning Usher 
Welcome and pass out bulletins to folks as they arrive to worship, pass offering plates during offering collection time and help with a few other tasks. Opportunities are available to greet and hand out bulletins from a seated position too! Full instructions are provided when you sign up. Sign Up Here


Special Duty Deacon 
Sign Up Here

Communion Serving 
Elders and Deacons who have been ordained in the Presbyterian Church are welcome to serve, even if you aren’t currently serving on the Session or Diaconate. Sign Up Here

Interested in serving in other ways? 

Fill out the Member Engagement Form!